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Finding your Empath Superpower

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Course length

3.5 Hours

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Finding your Empath Superpower


Deborah Wells

Deborah Wells is an Energy Worker and Life Coach. As an empath herself, Deborah has spent 10+ searching for understanding and tools to help empaths and highly-sensitive people. She guides others to greater awareness of their gifts and practical tools to harness them. Learn more about Deborah here:

About the course

Do you sometimes feel like being an empath or a highly sensitive person (HSP) is more of a burden than a gift?

Do you frequently feel emotionally exhausted and know you are affected by other people and their worries and cares?

Are you wondering if you are an empath or a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

• Learn about energy gifts and what makes the gift of empathy stand out.
• Understand why your relationships, health, cognitive abilities, emotions and spirituality are affected by your gift.
• Experience simple ways to manage, regulate and balance your energy through meditations, visualizations, and breathwork.
• Begin to receive more in your life, balancing the scales of giving and receiving.
• You will also receive information to take come with you and use in your own daily practice.
• Healthy, allergy-sensitive snacks will be provided. 

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