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If you are interested in submitting a testimonial, I would love to receive it. I hope that it can be a fast and fun process where you can connect into the feeling of your experience and express it in a few sentences from the heart.


It can be hard to imagine what it's like to work with me. I think hearing about your experience can help bridge that gap and give people a better idea of what interactions with me are like and how their experience with me might affect their life. The format could be something like, "My session(s) with Ava _____ (helped me to/ showed me / taught me/changed ____  for me)…"


If you find them helpful, here are a few prompt questions. They're not intended to limit or guide you somewhere, just some ideas if you're not sure where to start:


  • How does it change your life? Or your perspective? How does it bring clarity?


  • Does it change how you physically, emotionally or mentally feel? How so?


  • What was your experience like?


  • Do you find that you're able to see yourself more clearly and make positive changes in your life as a result of working with Ava? If so, share your experience.


  • What does the combination of energy work with a coaching background that is unique to Ava's type of energy work do for you?


  • How is Ava's energy work different from your experience from other energy workers?

Share your testimonial:

If you would like to share a testimonial, please enter it into the box below.

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